Universidad de Zaragoza, I3A
Hi! I am currently an Assistant Professor at the Centro Universitario de la Defensa (Zaragoza, Spain).
Previously I was a postdoc researcher at Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya (UPC) working with
Prof. Nuria Pelechano and Prof Oscar Argudo.
I obtained my Ph.D. in Feb. 2023 working under the supervision of Prof. Belen Masia and Prof. Diego Gutierrez at the Graphics and Imaging Lab. I obtained my Bachelor degree at Universidad de Zaragoza, majoring in Computer Engineering (with a Computer Science mention) in 2017. Later, I obtained my Master degree at the same university, majoring in Biomedical Engineering in 2018. During 2019 and 2020 I spent some months as an intern with Adobe Research and Facebook Reality Labs respectively.
I am really interested in the particularities of how people perceive their surroundings, and leveraging this knowledge to address current challenges in the computer graphics field, either software- or hardware-caused. I specialize in virtual reality and in designing, executing, and analyzing user studies to systematically investigate complex aspects of human behavior and sensory processing, particularly in audiovisual contexts.
Sandra Malpica, Daniel Martin, Ana Serrano, Diego Gutierrez, Belen Masia
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (ISMAR 2023)
PDF Bibtex Project pageJournal (JCR Q1)
Edurne Bernal-Berdun, Daniel Martin, Sandra Malpica, Pedro J. Perez, Diego Gutierrez, Belen Masia, Ana Serrano
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (ISMAR 2023)
PDF Bibtex Project pageJournal (JCR Q1)
Sandra Malpica (supervised by Diego Gutierrez and Belen Masia)
PhD Thesis
PDFInternational mention, Cum laude
Multimodality in VR: A survey
Daniel Martin*, Sandra Malpica*, Diego Gutierrez, Belen Masia, Ana Serrano
ACM Computing Surveys, 2022
Journal (JCR Q1)
Sandra Malpica*,
Ana Serrano,
Diego Gutierrez,
Belen Masia
Scientific Reports, 10, 2020
Journal (JCR Q1)
Sandra Malpica*, Ana Serrano*, Marcos Allue, Miguel Bedia, Belen Masia
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79(5), 2020
Journal (JCR Q2)
Sandra Malpica*,
Belen Masia, Laura Herman, Gordon Wetzstein, David Eagleman, Diego Gutierrez, Zoya Bylinskii, Qi Sun
Journal of vision, 20(11), 2020 - VSS abstracts
Manuel Lagunas, Sandra Malpica,
Ana Serrano, Elena Garces,
Diego Gutierrez,
Belen Masia
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 38(4) (SIGGRAPH 2019)
Journal (JCR Q1)
Sandra Malpica, Miguel Barrio,
Diego Gutierrez,
Ana Serrano
CEIG 2017